Gilding Agents

They improve the appearance and texture when applied to the surface, reacting exclusively to heat, both in the oven and in the microwave.

What is Purified Smoke or Clean Smoke?


It is a non-combustion smoking process, where purified smoke is used. This smoke is obtained from certified wood and, after physical filtering, the ashes and tars are separated, providing purified smoke suitable for current food safety requirements.

  • Replacing conventional smoking with purified smoke
  • Adaptable to any type of oven and/or dryer
  • Improving processes and efficiencies

100% smoke filtering, no additives

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Wide range of profiles


A wide range of flavour and colour profiles to ensure the most suitable solution for the desired product

  • You can regulate the intensity of the flavor and color
  • Consistency throughout the batch
  • Substantial improvement in losses
  • Decreased smoking times

Recommended for any food you want to smoke.

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Sustainable and Healthy


This technology allows for safer smoking of food, due to the lack of contaminants. In addition, the savings in emissions into the atmosphere guarantee a substantial improvement in the carbon footprint.

  • No ashes and no tars
  • The EU considers it as BAT (Best Available Technique)
  • The EU strongly supports the use of condensed primary flue gases (EU Regulation 2065/2003).
  • 60% less C02 compared to friction smoke.
  • 83% less C02 compared to combustion smoke
  • No emissions such as nitrogen oxides (N0x) and carbon monoxide (CO) are released.

Food safety is guaranteed by the absence of ash and tar

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